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A CastRayInfo stores information about how an ActiveCast should fire its rays. It is safe to alter this in real-time.


RaycastParams Parameters

Edit This, Don't Set It!

As per Roblox's standards, you should access this and change its properties instead of changing it to a new RaycastParams instance.

The RaycastParams used in all raycasts from this ActiveCast. This can be freely edited. When the ActiveCast is instantiated, the input parameters are cloned, and this property is set to the clone instance.

WorldRoot WorldRoot

The WorldRoot that this ActiveCast should simulate in. By default, it is equal to whatever its parent Caster is set to, but can be changed at any time.

number MaxDistance

The maximum distance that the ray can travel. By default, it is the magnitude of the parent Caster's directionWithMagnitude parameter when the Fire method is called.

Instance CosmeticBulletObject

A reference to the input cosmetic bullet from the parent Caster's Fire method. See Caster for more information.

function CanPierceCallback

A reference to the input pierce function from the parent Caster's Fire method. See Caster for more information.