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Avatar Extensions

This is the homepage for documentation on the Avatar Extensions mod for BONELAB.

You can download the mod from the GitHub page.

How to play as an avatar with custom stats

This requires the modder to have added stats to their avatar. So long as you have this mod installed, their stats that they chose will apply automatically.

If you are looking to change your own stats while you play, you can do that with someone else's mod. Download Avatar Stats Loader to do this.

How To Make An Avatar

Getting Started

  1. If you are new to making avatars, follow the instructions on the SLZ Marrow SDK Page to set up the Unity environment.
  2. If you are not new, and if you are adding this to an existing avatar, consider backing up your project.
  3. Install the unity package from the GitHub page (see the top of this page) and install it into your project.

The Stat Customizer

The primary object of this mod. This component is responsible for showing both computed vanilla stats and allowing you to define custom stats.

  1. On your avatar object (the same one as the SLZ Avatar component), add a new component: Avatar Stat Driver.
  2. Customize your stats. If you aren't sure what they do, hover your mouse over them or click the dropdowns next to the values, and information will pop up.
  3. Once done, simply package your avatar into its crate and pallet and install like a normal SDK mod. Once installed, the code mod will see it and load it when you switch into that avatar.

The Sound Extender

This is the more complex part of this mod, created partly as an additional tool but mostly for personal use (as I initially designed this mod for my own avatar). You can use this component to add new sounds to special events, including custom or modded events. Unlike traditional SDK sounds, these are far more customizable, and you can choose which volume mixer they go on.

  1. On your avatar object (the same one as the SLZ Avatar component), add a new component: Avatar Extended Audio Container.
  2. The component stores a list of Sound Groups. These groups contain several properties and is too complex to show in list format. Check the documentation for more detailed information.
  3. Once done, simply package your avatar into its crate and pallet and install like a normal SDK mod. Once installed, the code mod will see it and load it when you switch into that avatar.